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If you have a specialist expertise or security activity experience, send us your application.  We recruit regularly.

Send us your application:

  • In writing:
    Please complete the attached application form and send it to the address below.  Please include copies of all your relevant diplomas and certificates.

AGS Sécurité
BP 2060 - Rue Clochette

  • By email:
    Please complete the fields below and include a copy of your relevant diplomas and certificates in attachment.
Our recruitment officer will consider your application.  If AGS is interested in your application, you may be invited for a pre-selection interview.

Your application:

AGS Security

AGS Security recruit: Join us !





AGS Sécurité

"Satisfy a human dimension
and a local service"

© 2014 AGS Sécurité

Keep in touch

  • BP 2060 - Rue Clochette - DJIBOUTI
  • (+253) 21 35 40 91 / Fax : (+253) 21 35 40 92
  • (+253) 21 35 40 92
  • ags.securite.dj@gmail.com

Services +

  • Service 24/7
  • Free Quotation
  • QRF - Quick reaction force