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Our facilities


Our Vehicles:

Five rapid intervention vehicles will allow us to act effectively. 

Communication facilities : 

Our agents are equipped with high performance and reliable radiocommunications devices (radios and wireless phones).

Controllers :

Controllers ensure the regularity of patrols and guard operations.

Monitoring report :

A monitoring report shall be made available to our customers.

Our agents

Our security and prevention officers

Our agents ensure and maintain the security of your site. They deter acts of malice.

  • Their mission​ :

- Reception and control access
- Surveillance and patrol
- Alert and guide external aid 
- First aid and prompt response to any kind of incidentt
- Incident reporting

 Our patrollers and stakeholders​:

AGS security agents and their vehicles help prevent acts of malice; they identify security risks by regular and spontaneous patrols.

  • Their missions​:

- Surveillance and security round
- Quality controls include checking of posts, equipment, uniforms, respect of post orders and vigilance.
- Information and incident reporting

The QRF comprarviagraes24.com - Quick reaction force


AGS Sécurité

"Satisfy a human dimension
and a local service"

© 2014 AGS Sécurité

Keep in touch

  • BP 2060 - Rue Clochette - DJIBOUTI
  • (+253) 21 35 40 91 / Fax : (+253) 21 35 40 92
  • (+253) 21 35 40 92
  • ags.securite.dj@gmail.com

Services +

  • Service 24/7
  • Free Quotation
  • QRF - Quick reaction force